Built’s Cookie Dough Chunk Puffs, $24.95 if you need any more, they aren’t on the main website!!
Click https://builtbar.com?baapp=LOUISE2020 to get to Built’s website.
Type Sale in the Search field and press Enter or click magnifying glass (see image below).
Scroll way down and click the word Sale and on the next window click the Cookie Dough Chunk Puffs!!
Available while supplies last!!
I’ve been snooping around again 🤣🤣🤣
Thank you to anyone who uses a link it shows built that we are promoting their website! 😍
No discounts, sorry!
@builtbar @imbuilt #builtbar
#builtbar @builtbar #snacks #wheyprotein #gymlife #lunchbox #limitededition #love #treats #ww #treats #tasty #blueberrymuffin
#fitnessmotivation #healthy #healthyfood #healthylifestyle #motivation #nutrition #protein #proteinbar #proteinbars #proteinbars🍫 #weightloss #workout #marshmallow #marshmallows #cookiedoughchunk #puffs #darkchocolate #cookiedough